First Person On Scene - FPOS

FPOS is a four-day course and is used by those who need to go beyond standard level First Aid, who may have access to more advanced medical equipment and resources.

Level 3 Award in First Person On Scene

This FPOS course develops the knowledge and skills required by those working in security services or high-risk environments and ensures learners can provide help for a range of medical conditions and trauma related injuries. The First Person on Scene (FPOS) course is tailored to the close protection and private security industry or those who work in high-risk workplaces and to those who are first to arrive at an emergency such as fire and police personnel, community responders, and industrial first aiders.

Groups: We can deliver this bespoke course at a venue of your choice for groups of 6 or more learners. We operate on a ratio of 1:8. Please contact us for more information.

First Person on Scene: First Aid Course

Are you employed in security, close protection, or dangerous, high-risk environments? Does handling life-threatening circumstances require sophisticated medical training? You only need to look at the “First Person on Scene” First Aid Course, which is intended to provide you the fundamental abilities and understanding needed to save lives in difficult circumstances. This comprehensive course equips you with critical skills for emergency response.

Security Industry Authority approved FPOS course

The First Person on Scene qualification, otherwise known as the FPOS course, meets the requirements of the Security Industry Authority (SIA) when applying for a close protection license. While the qualification has been developed for close protection operatives working in the UK and abroad, the knowledge and skills it develops are also ideal for higher risk such as industrial first aiders and those working in remote areas. Students on this course benefit by being prepared to deal with medical and trauma emergencies in a realistic and immersive way that develops their skills and confidence. The Level 3 FPOS course is a four-day program focusing on additional treatment and management of serious incidents and accidents. The course is a more in depth than the First Aid at Work course. 

The course includes both theoretical lectures and practical sessions, designed to develop as an all-round first responder. The course includes a range of scenarios to prepare you for managing medical emergencies in high risk or hostile environments.

  • First person on Scene is aimed at those who are likely to work, or want to work, in high-risk hostile environments, such as close protections or pre-hospital care.
  • This course is one of the most advanced medical courses you can qualify in for non-clinicians.
  • Lifesaving interventions you are taught along with realistic environments and pressure we put you in will prepare you as best as possible for the situations you may find yourself in.

The course curriculum is carefully designed to provide comprehensive training in critical medical interventions, ensuring you are prepared to respond effectively in high-stress, life-threatening situations. You will gain practical experience through immersive simulations that mirror real-world scenarios.

Course content:

  • The roles and responsibilities of the first responder
  • The pre-hospital environment
  • Core emergency care of casualties
  • Communicating with patients
  • Primary survey and assessment
  • Safe moving and handling of patients
  • Recognising and managing trauma
  • Airway management
  • Respiration and ventilation (including oxygen supplementation)
  • Recognising and managing medical conditions
  • Basic life support procedures
  • Defibrillation
  • Recognising and dealing with haemorrhages
  • Incident management
  • Medical-related emergencies
  • Trauma-related emergencies


Over the 4 days of practical training learners will be continuously observed. The assessments will be created from a range of environments from trauma to medical conditions. Some scenarios will be in groups, whilst others will be individual. Learners will be required to meet satisfactory skills and competency during these practical sessions.

The FPOS course also requires learners to pass a multiple-choice question paper. The pass mark is 80%.

FPOS Course Certificate

Those who complete the course and reach the required standard are issued with a First Person On The Scene RQF (Regulated Qualification Framework) Level 3 certificate that is valid for three years. Certificates are issued through our approved awarding organisation Qualifications Network.

On completion of both practical and theory elements, an E-certificate will be sent on completion of all quality assurance checks usually within 7 days in accordance with our Terms and Conditions.

For more information, please contact or call 07762 082310

Contact Us

If you have any enquiries, questions, or comments please contact us using the form or alternatively call us using the number below.

Mobile: 07462 795456